Friday, June 25, 2010

First post to smack this blog to a start

Well im back at it again! Heading to Belgie for what feels like the 100th time.
It only feels like yesterday that a naive Rhys Smith and I headed off to Belgium to see what we could make of ourselves.

Alas we were greeted by mega hard and fast races,strong as an ox 50 yo's and roads so rough they would pop even the toughest of saddle sours.
Though we still managed to have a great time.I should also mention that Mark Hooper was also there( but he is from Geelong ).
Now a little bit older and alot wiser i could'nt help but not take up the opportunity to travel over once again to Europe and travel and race my bike,I mean this fairytale of a life has to end sometime so i decided to just book a flight and run as i know normality is slowing taking over.

2010 would have to have been my greatest year yet, with my business Melbourne Soft Tissue Therapies gorwing stronger everyday like Jens Voight, I know i have been very lucky to fall into the small number of therapists like myself that can actually make a good living off being a Remedial Massage Therapist.I can't but say thanks to all the people who have mentored me and probaly given me to much of a helping hand.

I'll keep the rest of this short, I leave in 2 weeks for another mega trip, the form is good and the head is even better.

I don't really care about winning or losing, in the end its about living the dream and riding my bike.If you follow your own heart in life and don't let anyone bring you down you can achieve the life you always wanted...i know! I'm living proof.

Til Belgie


ps:,,,,,...."""" ''''' throw them in as i can't be bothered with good grammar.